Thursday, July 1, 2010

Some Pics of Carib Tykes from Amerindian Villages

Yanomami Family and their Carib Tyke Hunting Dog

Carib Tyke from Wai Wai Village in Guyana. The reddish color of the coat come from Roucou/Annatto paste used to treat mange.

Carib Tyke in Yanomami Village. pic from National Geographic.

Yanomami Hunter and Carib Tyke Dog, Brazil/Venezuela Border region.

This Blog and the owners there of, do not own the rights to these photographs. Worldwide Carib Tykes does not seek to profit from the use of these pics but only to promote this landrace. If Any of the owners wishes the removal of their pic from this site, please email your request to:- and we will remove it. Thank you for your kindness in allowing us to use your pics.